The Facts
Alcohol Addiction – Stevenage rehab centre. Do you need private alcohol rehab? Nowadays alcohol is socially acceptable, and it can be hard for people to know if they may have a drink problem or not. Furthermore, how do you really know if you need rehab? When discussing alcohol rehab, no picture would be complete without first discussing the different types of drinkers. At the forefront of everyone’s mind may be an alcoholic, the very mention of the word is likely to conjure up a different image for each and everyone of us. One person might say “an alcoholic is someone who has to have a drink in the morning”, whereas another person might be of the opinion that anyone who drinks everyday is an alcoholic.
Whilst there are some obvious symptoms of alcoholism, such as pancreatitis, wet brain, liver damage etc, there is no definitive test for alcoholism. So how do you know if you are an alcoholic and in need private alcohol rehab?
Alcohol addiction – The binge drinker
Alcohol Addiction – Stevenage rehab centre. As we may all have seen on television, how the British like alcohol, in these “booze” programmes, its does make you realise we live in a country where binge drinking is an epidemic. According to these programmes, 1 in 3 people in the UK are binge drinkers. This now proves that the public’s attitude excepts that it is ok to go out on a weekend and get paralytic. The scary thing about problematic drinking (according to government figures) is, that thousands of people die every year prematurely due to there drinking habits.
Alcohol addiction – The drinking crunch
Alcohol Addiction – Stevenage rehab centre. There are a lot of people who turn to alcohol as a way of coping with underlying issues, such as anxiety, depression, OCD, sexual dysfunction, social anxiety, relationship problems, redundancy, bereavement, and so on. The list is endless. People develop a dependency as a result of drinking to numb the pain. Sadly alcohol tends to amplify the pain and will continue to do so until the emotional issues are consumed. For many, change will normally be initiated by a small window of opportunity such as a chaotic event. Things like illness, accident, relationship difficulties, social services etc. All these can motivate a client to do something about there alcohol problems.
However, these windows of opportunity are limited, and they can close as quickly as they opened. It is vital to seek help quickly before the opportunity is lost. If you have a drink problem, or have a relative that has experienced difficulties with alcohol, its likely that you will have seen these opportunities come and go.
Alcohol addiction – How will I know if I need help?
Alcohol Addiction – Stevenage rehab centre. Alcoholics Anonymous have a check list of 20 questions that apparently determine if you need help. You can download their list by clicking on the link at their website. They state that if you answer yes to four or more of there questions then you are in imminent danger of being an alcoholic. They do also state that the individual must make their own minds up.
The real question is, what is an alcoholic? it is not just a label to inform someone that they have an alcohol problem? By far the simplest way to tackle this problem is to ask yourself these two questions.
- Is alcohol causing a problem in your life?
- Do you want to do something about it?
If you have answered yes to both of these questions, then you are well on your way to dealing with your problem. The next step is about choosing the right alcohol rehab clinic to suit your needs.
Alcoholic or alcohol dependent?
Alcohol addiction – We will refer to three terms throughout this website
- Addict / Addiction
- Dependent / Dependency
- Problematic alcohol user
The difference is of course just semantics, addiction will generally be the favoured terminology of a 12 step alcohol rehab treatment, whilst ‘dependant / problematic’ will often be the preferred terminology of medical staff and one to one counsellors. You may be interested to know the difference between the two. Quite frankly, there isn’t a great deal of difference.
From one standpoint it simply boils down to a locus of control and how you attribute your thoughts, from another whether you have an allergic reaction to drugs. There are as many view points as there are theories. This is an age old debate which has been in motion for generations, and its likely to continue for further generations. Again I would draw your attention back to the two questions mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Rehab Programs
Alcohol addiction – As with all rehab programs, alcohol rehab breaks into three areas:
- Primary care
- Secondary care
- Aftercare
Primary care
Alcohol addiction – Primary care will show you how to stop drinking once and for all, and help you resolve the underlying issues that led to the problematic alcohol use. Primary care will often include an alcohol detox which will generally take about 10 days. Depending on the physical condition of the individual, and also a stay in a private hospital may be required. However, the majority of alcohol detoxes can often be handled by the alcohol rehab clinic. Primary care programs generally range from 4 to 12 weeks.
Secondary care
Alcohol addiction – Secondary care focuses on rebuilding your life, post primary alcohol rehab. It will look at all the areas of concern to you and your counsellor and create a bespoke treatment program to help you tackle them. Secondary care is goal driven, so every plan is individually tailored to suit personal needs.
Alcohol addiction – After care is a period of group counselling provided by the rehab clinic for up to one year after you graduate from the alcohol rehab clinic. Sessions vary in frequency and occur at intervals of anything between twice per week and once per month.
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