Stevenage Drug addiction – Stevenage rehab centre
Stevenage Drug addiction. Do You Need Drug Rehab? It is the same with all forms of drug rehab, it tends to break down into three parts. Problem, seek and resolve.
- Drug detox
- Drug addiction
- Triggers and cues to drugs
Drug addiction – Drug detox
Drug addiction – A Drug Detox: A drug detox simply removes the substance from the body in a medically safe way. If you decide you just want a drug detox, then without the psychological aspects of addiction, the drug user will almost certainly return to drugs.
Drug addiction – Not all drug detox are the same. It all depends on the doctor prescribing the drug detox and the substances involved. Every medical drug detox needs to be measured against the following:
- Clients age.
- Clients weight.
- How long the clients has been on the substance.
- The type of substances the client has been using.
- Clients physical health.
Drug diction – Drug detox needs to be handled very carefully, as it can be fatal if not. Never attempt to detox yourself without medical advice.
This is the following time frames for a typical drug detox:
Drug Dose Rapid detox Tapering detox
Methadone <30mg 12+2 days 2-4 weeks
30-80mg 15+2 days 4 weeks
>80mg 18+2 days
Buprenorphine <8mg 11+2 days 2 weeks
>8mg 15+2 days 2-4 weeks
Street Heroin 9+2 days
Drug addiction – Drugs such as Cannabis, LSD (acid), Crack Cocaine, Powder Cocaine do not need a medical detox. There are some medications which can be issued to help with restoring appetites, and restoring natural sleep patterns.
We are able to provide support for ALL substances. If you do not see your drug of choice listed or would like further information, please call us on 07811 606 606
Psychological dependence on Drugs – Stevenage Drug addiction
Drug addiction – The psychological aspects of drug dependency are a much more complex subject. A good rehab clinic will help to tackle aspects that have led to the drug dependency in the first instance. An addiction problem is almost like a piece of coal, layer upon layer over a long period of time. Emotional issues such as trauma, low self esteem, break down in relationships, lack of trust, behavioural patterns etc add to these layers. The pressing down part of the analogy, is where the addict has learned to sooth themselves with a drug of choice to take away the pain.
There can be a number of reasons for this
- The problems are too difficult to deal with on there own.
- They don’t know how to deal with the problems.
- They don’t want to deal with the problems.
- The problems have piled up so high they are overwhelmed
- They have become to physically ill to deal with them
Each case is individual, this is where care planning as assessments comes into the equation. Care planning seeks to gain a full picture of what’s happening for the client and a full case history. Care planning in its entirety will cover:
- The emotional situation
- The medical condition
- Personal circumstance
A care plan is drawn up for all clients when they are admitted into rehab. In laymen’s terms it creates a practical to do list on how best to tackle underlying problems whilst the client is in rehab.
To summarise, the primary care rehab programme will:
- stop using drugs once and for all.
- deal with underlying problems that increased your drug use.
- regain your confidence and self esteem.
- repair damaged relationships
- restore your physical health.
- regain a normal sleep pattern.
- be responsible for yourself and your actions.
- return to a sense of freedom and happiness
- accept the past and move on.
- Feel at peace with yourself and others
- feel positive about life and its opportunities
- Give you skill to instinctively know how to deal with problems as soon as they occur
- Introduce you to new and positive friendships
The secondary care drug rehab programme. Stevenage Drug addiction
Drug Addiction – Secondary care is a phase of bespoke rehabilitation and is tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual. Some common aspects of secondary care can include:
- Resolve relationship problems (also tackled in primary care)
- Resolving financial difficulties
- Retraining for work
- Finding work
- Preparing to return to work
- Finding work
- Preparing to return to work
- Fitness
- Getting used to being in the home environment again
Call our Stevenage team now on Tel: 07811 606 606